Decrypting .cfm
Hey. I've got a question. I have these cfm files that are now babbling text of nothingness, that I guess are encrypted from what I've researched. However when I tried to decrypt them using several programs, they claim they're not encrypted at all. Please send any advise or suggestion. Thanks.
Here's a bit of one so you know I'm not crazy in thinking their encrypted: Allaire Cold Fusion Template Header Size: New VersionéЖß;™7¦i-gt{Ä*hqؤä8X°É¿Ìò©‰P^qvßNÊÒ‡ùFÍû'ÉÊÕ“¯Èe ãj‹…‡(Zóð£phÑR{H’ôû“\v‰ù>eÐ×åR—˜î¥¡’¡è‡rB^T½¸6ÛºÀE’)ñf{âÑôÚ<7R;gxûWêì and so on…
I guess I didn't state my problem quite right. It's not that my cfm files don't show properly. It's that I have the source for these preprocessed cfm files except they're encrypted.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to break the encyption, and was wondering if anyone could provide me with solution or any information about what kind of encryption it could be.
I don't know if that's any clearer. But I can explain any questions you may have about my problem.
PS. Yeah, I use google, and it loves me.
ShadyTyrant wrote: I don't believe it is encrypted, I think (Not sure if I am correct) it has something to do with the char encoding (encoding does not mean the same as encrypting something in this context) that your text editor (and maybe your OS) supports.
That is correct .cfm files are not encrytped they need to be interpreted using an application suitable for char. conversion. I suggest adobe cold fusion for this.
Alright. Well, there's a site that uses this ColdFusion CMS. So I read up on it. While doing so I found out that they do encrypt some files. Which means that the files I have are encrypted.
EDIT: I decrypted it using
@a240, Next time you have a problem post all your info, You never stated that you "obtained" the files from someones site, You made it seem like they were yours and got garbled. If you would have posted all the facts it could have been solved sooner, But congrats on finding it yourself.