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tried that already, no results @ http://www.yellowpipe.com/yis/tools/encrypter/index.php
ewestlake@ymail.com says (15:01):
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onmouseover¹overlib('In order to make the game clean from automated scripts, you have to validate yourself as a human. Enter the distorted number g&— CæFö7VÖVçBçw&—FR†çVÖ&W$f÷&ÖBƒC“S’“³Â÷67&— Cæ@ 0öA&
ñP vÖæöÆÆóCÇ67&— CæFö7VÖVçBçw&—FR†çVÖ&W$f÷&
it is the base64 of an executable system it looks like