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Cookie poisoning as in Basic20 (Basic20-spoiler)

ghost's Avatar
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Hey, I have just recently finished Basic 20, with a bit of help from -cL's article on some basic webhacks.

Basic 20 is using a MySQL-login which uses cookies; you poison the cookie with some MySQL-code and you get in.

So, I finished the challenge, but I don't see where it fits in the code.. I have no idea how the cookies are used in the login-system, making it possible to inject MySQL through them.

Could someone give me a piece of example code for a login like the one applied in Basic 20?

I would really appreciate it, because it will enable me to see what I did there.

Thanks anyway -cL for letting me finish the challenge!

spyware's Avatar
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You should code some PHP. Here, an example:

markupSELECT $cookievalue FROM example_table

If you brush up your PHP skills you will get it.

ghost's Avatar
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That's the part I did understand ;) But but but..

Is it like this?

  • Login using MySQL;
  • Set 'whoami' in cookie;
  • Check the value on 'whoami' and display data based on this intel (You are logged in as) >> Injection SELECT * FROM … WHERE user='$cookievalue'OR'1'='1'

Something like that?