Hacking an ftp.
if you want to test how good your passowrd is, then just make it over 6 characters long with random letters and numbers.
i think thats just a tad easier than brute forcing it…
if you really want a brute forcer coz your a pathetic SK.. then… www.fuckinggoogleit.com
Generally the longer the password the better. Also, don't use words, names, or any numbers that relate to you. Use upper and lower case letters, number, and symbols. Make sure that you have the numbers and symbols in the middle of the password not just at the beginning or the end. A good minimum these days is 8 characters.
if you want a really good password you can use this script:
NOTE: i did NOT write this! i got it from [url] http://www.insecure.org/stc/sti.html[/url]. i take absolutley NO credit for this in anyway. all props go to the original author:
use strict;
use warnings;
# All printable ascii characters
my @chars = (32..126);
my $num_chars = @chars;
# Passwords must be 50 chars long, unless specified otherwise
my $length=$ARGV[0] || 50;
while (1) {
my $password;
foreach (1..$length) {
$password .= chr($chars[int(rand($num_chars))]);
# Password must have lower, upper, numeric, and 'other'
if ( $password =~ /[a-z]/
and $password =~ /[A-Z]/
and $password =~ /[0-9]/
and $password =~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9]/ ) {
print $password, "\n";
some output from the script:
[n3w7yp3@localhost crypto]$ ./rand-pass.pl 15
[n3w7yp3@localhost crypto]$
heh, no way is hydra gonna break something like that ;)