Telnet Fake E-mails
Hey guys,
I have had a decent go at it, but it doesnt seem to want to work, first it would connect but i couldnt see anything i typed, then telnet would crash and send me back to the normal CMD :xx:
I looked on a previouse Thread and noticed that CTRL + ] worked so that i could see the font, but now i can see that when i type the 'HELO' it comes up as an unknown command. After a while it comes up Connection To Host lost or something simmilar.
I also tryed using putty, that doesnt work for me.
I connect using 'telnet 21' since 21 is the only port that works.
Well I did it on hotmail like last month, and it worked fine, but it sent it to the junk mail folder (because it didn't recognize the e-mail address I set mine up as). And I figured something out, if you let's say, type PHELO, and realize your mistake and backspace then do it, it doesn't like recognize the backspace really, so it won't work. So you gotta make sure you get everything perfect the first time.
Thanks for your help,
and no i havnt had it set of the default ssh but thanks anyway, and i'll look for another mail server then, since hotmail has blocked it.
And shabouwcaw, do you feel proud? really, do you? a side note is ok, but dedicating and making such a big point, complete with "omg seach" isnt really that "cool".
Anyways, wouldn't you have to telnet into port 25 (SMTP) to send an email? As far as the "HELO" is concerned, either "EHLO" or "HELO" will work. And, yes, you have to type everything correctly because backspace is interpreted as a normal character, not as a delete operation.
I know there are some mail servers that will allow a small amount of SMTP commands from a telnetted session. As far as I know, though, VRFY has been disabled because it could be a security issue.
Just my two cents…
yep, i coded a shell in pyhon that uses telnet as an inerface and learned that backspace is just sent along with other data. also i didn't know that telnet actaully sends it as you hit each key and just sends return and enter along in the same way.
also…. port 21 is FTP.
SMTP is on 25… so that's one MAJOR thing that'll screw you up.
Reaper X550 wrote: …and i'll look for another mail server then, since hotmail has blocked it.
This might be a good start for finding another mail server…