white hat - hacker who doesnt hack anything without permission grey hat - hacks + possibly destroys something for a cause black hat - complete prick who hacks anything they can, because they are lame celebates
There are some alterations. Alot of people, myself included are going off the idea of "hats". Its hard to completely clasify yourself in 1 group, so many people do not have a specfic "hat".
i dont like the hats system, its just anouther way of classing people.
to make a batch file open some type of text editor and write your script, then save it as *.bat; e.g. batch.bat. Heres a link fo more info: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&hs=ZOU&newwindow=1&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=batch+file&spell=1
[edit] damn your, Mortier. you beat me too it [/edit]
awesome. i think that if i was i hat i would be a white. but i have a few differn't versions to the classifications white = legal hacking / harmless hacking. gray = legal hacking /illegal hacking for a cause (like genocide2600 who took childporn off the net) black= people who deface sites and do basically bad things for fun crackers. = compleate punks who steal by hacking.
Grindordie wrote: [quote]metsoc30 wrote: I prefer blue or green hats, they're more colorful then a white, gray or black hat. WoaH! Dude.. u shouldnt like green hats. They hack a site and post gayporn. its weird :-S[/quote]I did not know that throws green hats away However, the fact that you know about the green hats and no one else does … is there something you aren't telling us?