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Major Admin Advice requested

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A friend of mine who has internet supplied by his school is having some problems, The school upgraded thier blocks and he now can't access HBH, or almost any site at all, no yahoo, no myspace, no geocities, no freewebs, he has tried a proxy, and yet no avail, Please give me some advise on techniques he can try. Thank You.

ghost's Avatar
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cough and is this friend, YOU? haha so- who want's to be a hacker???

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lol nice one swift. I have an idea. try this, it might work ;)

@echo off ping hellboundhackers.org

save it as a .bat file and replace hellboundhackers.org with whatever site. that echnique doesnt always work plus some schools don't allow .bet .cmd and many other files. :ninja:

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Just set up your own proxy script. There are several free ones out there for web based use, such as white fry's proxy. Then google free PHP hosting and FTP the files on the server.

here are two free host

prophp.org igotfree.com

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What kind of blocking program is being used? Did he try to access the sites via IP? Try the Anonymouse search engine. Some blocking programs won't block sites that come through anonymous search engines. If he has too have him install VNC viewer on his computer and bring another copy of it in on a flash drive and use it to access the internet though his home computer.:ninja:

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its not me, im obviously able to access the internet, Its crumhacker, we tried the ping thing and quite a few other things still nothing.

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Do you mean the only internet connection he has is through the school or that he is trying to access these sites while at school?