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I would like some guidance

ghost's Avatar
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i want to make a translator, to encrypt my own text and whatnot, preferably in vb or c++

ghost's Avatar
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So what guidance do you need?

ghost's Avatar
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send me to an article or a tutorial, or something

ghost's Avatar
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I don't know of any articles or tutorials but you could always look one up….Do you know any C++?

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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so you want a step by step guide to making exactly what you want? if you're going to do that just download some premade code. fark.

learn some strnig amnipulation in either language. from there it's a piece of piss.

ghost's Avatar
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string manipulation here i come

ghost's Avatar
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/* Here is some code you can use to very lightly encrypt a string / / This if just off the top of my head, so the non-production quality / / should be pretty obvious :) And this is in C, not C++, as C is my / / personal language of choice. */

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

char to_be_encrypted[50]; char encrypted_string[50]; char key = 'H'; int index;

printf("Input a string to be encrypted: " ); gets(to_be_encrypted);

for (index = 0; index < strlen(to_be_encrypted); index++) { encrypted_string[index] = to_be_encrypted[index] ^ key; /* ^ character is for binary XOR operation / }
encrypted_string[index] = '\0'; /
Add terminating null character to string*/

printf("\nYour encrypted string is: %s",encrypted_string);

for (index = 0; index < strlen(encrypted_string); index++) { encrypted_string[index] ^= key; /* You can decrypt with the same key */ }

printf("\nYour decrypted string is: %s\n",encrypted_string);
return 0; }

ghost's Avatar
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In the event that you get a character and a key that XOR out to a binary 0 (01001100 XOR 01001100 for example), the printf( "%s" ) will only print the characters before the NULL terminator. Easy to circumvent, I just thought I should mention it.

Also, this exact style of encryption is used for a certain unnamed App challenge, for those of you who might have needed a hint :)

/* Bah, damn smilies */

ghost's Avatar
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alright, and how can i loop a command, thanks for your help by the way, i want to loop a msgbox command and i have no clue, google isnt helping

ghost's Avatar
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nevermind i went for the ol

do while (1=1) msgbox ("YOU LOVE MIDGET PORN") loop