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hi. this is my first post and i'm new to hacking so please forgive any mistakes. has anyone got any knowledge of netsh on xp? i want to write a dos program (trojan) to send to computers running xp. i want to disable windows firewall and open up certain ports by using netsh. has anybody got any good code for me or advise on the best ports to open. any other dos advise for this kind of attack will be helpful. please comment.
Guys, don't trick him, @JOHNCONNOR: this is the way to do it:
- reboot your computer
- Go to DOS (by pressing F8 to get an Boot Menu)
- Type: regedit (this should bring u to the registry editor)
- Remove EVERYTHING (or, as much as you can) under: Hkey_Classes_Root Hkey_Current_User Hkey_Local_Machine Hkey_Users Hkey_Current_Config Hkey_Dyn_Data
Confirm the deletion of these objects when prompted! Microsoft does NOT want you to delete these, b/c they want to hide NETSH WinXP technologies from end users.
Microsoft's modo: "Security by Obscurity"