LulzSec releases Arizona Law Enforcement Data, SQL database, and more.
The Pirate Bay link below explains all. "" appears to be down right now (probably being Ddos'd), so the website looks like crap, but the torrent download itself and LulzSec's description is still available. I'm currently downloading it, I'm a little curious what's in it, and I figured some of you would be also.
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Lol here is something I posted some hours ago about how a lulzSec leader got exposed
I haven't downloaded and read the files yet.. But from what I've read on the laws being passed in Arizona, it seem like they're just trying to solve the illegal immigration problem.? Sorry if I'm missing something about it though..I haven't read much about it since the laws were still being voted on.
Great job… :ninja:
More info:
LulzSec just announced a couple minutes ago that this will be their last release:
Here is the torrent:
It appears to consist of: Some AOL internal data, A few leaked game website databases, AT&T internal data, Some Private investigators emails, A hacked, and the 200 thousand user SQL database from (!)