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JTR is Trojan

Mtutnid's Avatar
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I got a security alert when I extracted JTR that JTR is a Trojan virus. Why? Is it really a trojan? (I know it's a stupid question)

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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This happens with a lot of security tools. As long as you are downloading it from a trusted source (ie: the project website), and it's a commonly used tool, don't worry about it.

fashizzlepop's Avatar
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Same happens with Cain $ Abel. Although that statement from Openwall is kind of sketchy. Saying that AVs use JTR or a few other similar programs to bump their count is kind of silly as they don't need to worry about a few numbers. They already deal in the 100s to 1000s.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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If I had a dollar for every time someone asks this………. Still makes me laugh though.

Mtutnid's Avatar
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Haha… Just found two trojans might have been something else.


C:/System Volume Information/"Something"/A0007374.exe

and some other file…

ghost's Avatar
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Not unless you downloaded it from a dodgy site