PHP password problem <<<<is the location of my site's guest book's password file. when i go there with the ftp manager using the password i can see the username and password in the source of connect.php
but when i go there using my browser i can't see anything in the is empty(connect.php).how can this happen?(i currently don't know any php sorry)
silvercats wrote: <<<<is the location of my site's guest book's password file (i currently don't know any php sorry)
just so i understand you correctly, you say YOU have a site with an guestbook written in PHP and you do not understand any PHP what so fucking ever and the source of the guestbook's password"code"(called connect.php?) is gone?
it's probably me just being stupid, but do you mean that "connect.php" is the code that handles the login request or have you stored the actual login information in there(like user: hello password: something)?
Okay. What I understand of your problem is that when you connect to your site using FTP and see the source of that file, you can see you username and password but when you go to the URl through your browser and try to look in thee source(by right-click-See Source), you can see nothing.
If this is your problem, then the reason is that you store your password and username or whatever using PHP and since it is not a client-side language(it's a server-side language), it is not provided by the server to the client's PC. When you go to a URL and right click and select See Source or whatever, the Source that you see has been transferred from the Server to your PC(the client). Only the code in a client side language(if present) is transferred so that it can be parsed by the client. So, if you had stored your password and username in JAVAscript variables, you would be able to see them by going to the URL and then right click-See Source.
Btw, if it is your site and you have created the page -and- you say that you don't know any PHP, how did you write the code that stores the username and the password in the PHP variables. Agreed that is not very difficult, but still, you don't know any PHP, right?
@moshbat you have a point about googling.i agree i knows nothing.but no one force any one to post anything here!.specially you.YOU are wasting your time willingly.but others in this thread did it to help a is not wasting time like you have done.everyone better not to forget that that they were noobs too.and they may have received help form normally they help others too.still no one forced you to waste your time by posting damn useless things in here moshbat.[as everyone can see mosh's posts were not useful to anyone(in this thread,i don't know about others) ].
silvercats' posts bring up a point here that I'd like to address, namely the argument from new people you hear countless times, the "remember how it was for you when you started out, there was a time you didn't know anything either" and all its variations.
I'd just like to say that bringing that argument up as a defense to asking what others perceive as stupid questions, is a very bad idea. The reason for this is that it's based on a faulty, presumptuous premise. The reason many of us flame, get annoyed and essentially think many of these basic questions are stupid is exactly because we do remember how we started. Many, and I really mean many, of us did not ask questions, but rather sat down and did a lot of research on our own and carefully read up on anything we had to read up on. We read, tested, drew conclusions and learnt by our very own efforts and only very, very occasionally asked questions when we were really, truly stuck with something. So in all honesty, telling someone to remember how they knew nothing, is honestly not an argument in your favour.