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:: MacBook Air Hacked In Two Minutes ::

ynori7's Avatar
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Neqtan wrote: Another stumble topic . Article trys to lean on this vuln as a reason why MAC is worse than WIN . I dont think this is enough :

well, i woudl say "have you ever heard of a windows pc getting hacked in two minutes", but the article really doesnt explain the degree to which the mac was hacked. all it says is that they hacked it using a safari vulnerability, but it doesnt say what they were able to do, so this article is really pretty worthless.

by the way, what does To'g go bog e' , Neqtan mean?

spyware's Avatar
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ynori7 wrote: what does To'g go bog e' , Neqtan mean?

markupTake it easy, Neqtan.

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ynori7 wrote: the article really doesnt explain the degree to which the mac was hacked.

Article says: The undisclosed vulnerability in Safari 3.1 has been shown to Apple and no further information about it will be revealed until Apple can issue an update

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Thanks for the answer to ynori7's Gaelic question Spyware . Acording to what an old Irishman told me , To'g go bog e' = Take it softly . Witch in standard times could ruffly translate into Take it easy .

Céad míle fáilte ynori7 !

The vulnerability must be pretty bad if it only took two minutes to hack . Must be a very simple thing that was overlooked to make it that easy . I guess either wait till the official press release or do the hack yourself is the only thing to do .

To'g go bog e' , Neqtan