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What are all of the coding languages a hacker should be familiar with?

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Well the title says it, I would like to know all of the languages a modern-day hacker should know.

These are some that I think are most common:

-C++ -Javascript -PHP -HTML -Perl -Python

Any others that should be here?

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I'm going to have to go with Perl and C. Perl is great because it is very easy, forgiving, and quick to make it do what you want it to.

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japanesedude wrote: I'm going to have to go with Perl and C. Perl is great because it is very easy, forgiving, and quick to make it do what you want it to.

Lol, interesting choice of languages. My answer would be: It depends on what you want to do.

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yeah it really does depend on what your tryin to do

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Well, learning a language only for hacking won't give you a good education regarding that language, nor about how to hack scripts in that language. In order to hack a good script in a specific language, you need to have a good understanding of the language so that you can understand what the program does and look for holes. Also, modern-day is an odd term in technology, as every day new advances are made.

But, I would say that PHP is a must if you plan on working in the web, as well XHTML and javascript, again if you plan on working in the web. Python is a great language in general, and for hacking purposes C may be more useful (at least in rooting) than C++, although C++ is a easier language that is better for things like GUIs. Perl seems to be losing popularity online, and I personally think that it is a dying language that has support now but will slowly lose it over time. That is a controversial opinion however, some say Perl is going to be a popular language forever, so I would recommend you research it yourself. New(er) languages that are gaining support like JSP might be useful, and although PHP is superior to ASP, when your hacking you don't pick what language your target codes in, so it might be useful just for the sake of being able to target more websites to learn ASP. Of course, for hacking purposes, ASM will always be a popular choice because of its unlimited potential and small file size.

And of course we can't cut out Whitespace!!! :happy:http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/whitespace/

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We are still talking about hackers? They should be adaptive, if they encounter an (to them) unknown language, they should be able to study it and comprehend it.

If you want to learn to program, I advise you to start either in Perl or Python, then move on to C++.

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Well since this is in the Hacking in general category & your question was broadly implicated . I would say all languages are necesary . Not to be a smart ass . But realisticaly a Hacker that would be well rounded would be smart to know as many languages as possible .

But i think more importantly knowing how computers realy operate all the way down to the assembly and binary will most bennefit someone trying to become a hacker . Its better to know how the computer works inorder to truly grasp how softwares interact with it .


Then ofcourse the same is true for Internet related Hacking to further
widen the scope . Now knowledge of servers , routers , and database
interaction is necesary to understand how the more topical apps. work
with the rest of the system . What the commands , if's , querys , etc. do ?

```markupThe more important internet related languages & topics :

1 = Routers (ports , protocols , switches , processors , etc.)
2 = Servers ( Linux servers & Microsoft Servers )
3 = Perl
4 = .NET (VB.NET , ASM TO IL , C# , ASP.NET , etc. )
5 = PHP
6 = SQL
7 = MySQL```

An entire lifetime of studys could not make anyone an expert on all of this . But a good broad knowledge of it will help in many situations .
I mainly think a few languages in both fields would be good as well as
strong understanding of how the computer works and how the internet and routers work are key to understanding the rest !

```markupFour primary languages necesary to know :


( Some may preffer to learn PHP and SQL over ASP.NET & C# ) ```

This is just an opinion based on many opinions and many documents .

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Read up on your perl. About 105% of the exploits are written in Perl, and you didn't even mention it :(.

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@Spyware :

Take a look again its in there in the internet section . Considering its used more often than not for internet related programing and scripts . Heres the bit from where you will see perl :

1 = Routers (ports , protocols , switches , processors , etc.)
2 = Servers ( Linux servers & Microsoft Servers )
3 = Perl
4 = .NET (VB.NET , ASM TO IL , C# , ASP.NET , etc. )
5 = PHP
6 = SQL
7 = MySQL```

@ Moshbat :

Thanks for the compliment on my signature . I still get mesmerized by the thing . I still cant believe how good it turned out . But i still see
alot of realistic flaws in its creation . But most may not see them .
I look at it from a graff perspective of how the paint should flow .

Thanks as well for aproving of my depiction on what someone should
have knowledge of . I think it takes a community to fully decide 
on an average consensus what the general knowledge should be .

To'g go bog e' , Neqtan

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I think you're right there on languages Neqtan.

Not to stray off topic ; but you wouldn't happen to write would you?

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Neqtan wrote: @Spyware :

Take a look again its in there in the internet section . Considering its used more often than not for internet related

I object, I don't share perl scripts with the world online, I run them from my box. Like everyone. You can't just say: "PHP, SQL, oh, and Perl".

No, it's: "C++, Python, oh, and Perl".

It's a local language, not a "run it to the world" one.

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Kool a second person that agrees . Well that means ive been doing the right kind of research . Now to actualy do more learning on the topics ive been searching .

yeah i write a little but nothing on the street anymore . i dont have the time to do it . I just draw alot now . Plus like you see ive been working on digital graff .

Feel free to PM me if you want to talk more .

To'g go bog e' , Neqtan

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spyware's right, it's all the same.

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i would say "C" because everything is C based . And one of scripting languages "Perl or Python" and PHP,JAVASCRIPT,HTML,MySQL :) its my choice i am learning em atm

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I am trying to increase my ability to code in python right now. I've found it to be very friendly, flexible, and fast.