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Password Cracking

ghost's Avatar
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1. Ok when you do ftp://www.SITE.com you usually get a login prompt. From what I heard is that it is possible to crack it. Someone told me to use a program called "Cain and Abel" I just downloaded it and am sorta familiar with it. My question is, how can I crack these ftp logins using this program?

**2.**I have been dieing to crack a login, how can I crack a admin account username, and password with it, or how can I get to their directory to see their username and password list. Their directory is blocked and to get to it you have to log into the webadmin account via ftp. I'm sure to get to their directory you have to get the sites ip which I know how to do. tracert www.SITE.com. I'm mostly interested in how can I get to the directory. From there you can view all the files ;)

Thanks, if it's better to talk by MSN my msn is: T3hPyr0@hotmail.com

alldatizholy's Avatar
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lolz i have never seen n e 1 just crack it with a proggie….it all depends on if its vulnerable to certain attacks…(XSS, RFI/LFI…etc)…i am not a great hacker but i have done somethings…..i mainly look for different urls in the site…..then i sometimes get lucky!!!!!…..HAPPY HACKING