little help with SE 2
you already have detailed tutorials for this challenge on the article section but ok..
what you dont need for this challenge: martha user and pass logs folder mike stuff password etc ftp stuff
what do you need at least from the original conversation. martha's id name of password file
looking at that file and thinking.. hum.. they say we don't need this stupid log folder that only gives me crap.. they keep saying data in caps like this: DATA and data is part of the filename.. hum what dir should that be in then?
if you don't get it turn off the computer right now and go run around your house until you do.
the only thing apart from that that could eventually give you some trouble is the id. that's already full of hints on those articles i mentioned and on this topic too.. you look at the order of appearence of members in the password file and try to read those hints again looking at that list and the id you have..
this isn't a spoiler. it's a compilation of the posts that already are here and some stuff that's on the articles. the articles go even further spoiling your fun so you can always read them and come back with a decent question