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Encyption 2 grammar

ghost's Avatar
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i got the full text but it still wont take it because im not sure what to capitalize, wether to put the apostrophe or not and the comas…

so can i PM someone? (i checked the articles and forums already but they just made the capitalization part even more confusing)

ghost's Avatar
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Well… I'm pretty sure it's properly capitalized… But it may depend on where you learned english or something… Just try a lot of whatever you think is most likely and look at forums posts for advice… You could also PM someone (I don't have the challenge answer saved anywhere so if you ask me I'll probably just get stuck where you are… But worth a try…) ?

ghost's Avatar
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that doesnt help me at all… as i said i already tried any combination i could think of, already read articles and forums and still doesnt work…so all im asking is someone to PM please!

ghost's Avatar
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you may pm me.