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Question about encryption challanges in general

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This is just a question about all the encryption challenges in general, and the question is:

Are the hashes meant to be cracked by using your head and finding patterns then reversing them? Or, are they meant to be cracked by a program such as brute-forcing them? I hope it is not the latter because I hate using brute-forcers, and it's a lot more fun to use my mind.

ghost's Avatar
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Use whatever you have to use to crack it.

ghost's Avatar
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Use whatever you have to to crack it.

edit: Sorry about double post.. servers are so slow.

ghost's Avatar
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Well other than number 1 and 7 I'm sure they all use your head to spot patterns to reveal a final key… which you then decrypt from a well known form of encryption

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lol only Jake can decrypt md5's and none the less in his head :D lol