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How to capture SCREENSHOTS of your desktop

How to capture SCREENSHOTS of your desktop

By ghostghost | 7204 Reads |
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There is sometimes a need for a person to take a screenshot of their screen so that other people can troubleshoot his/her PC based on the image they see; Sometimes a screenshot is taken for the shear pleasure of having it as eye candy. Anyhow, it is a useful and powerful way to show what is going on in your desktop (even your illegal downloads from bittorent, DC++, eMule, and Limewire) to other people.

To do this, using:

  1. WINDOWS XP a. To take a picture of the fronstmost window
    press ALT+[PrintScreen] b. To take a picture of the entire desktop, simply press [PrintScreen]

*go to NOTE (in the bottom)

  1. LINUX a. Pressing Alt-[PrintScreen] grabs the frontmost window, while pressing PrintScreen by itself grabs the entire desktop image. You'll be presented with a "SaveAs" dialog to save the PNG image. b. You can also just press [PrintScreen] to get an entire snapshot of the screen.

*go to NOTE (in the bottom)

  1. MAC a. Pressing Command + Shift + 3 creates a PDF (or PNG in Tiger) file on your desktop containing a capture of the whole screen. b. Pressing Command + Shift + 4 lets you
    select the area to be captured. To take a capture of a menu or a window, press space bar after Command + Shift + 4. To copy a screenshot into a clipboard, hold CTRL key when issuing the commands above.

*go to NOTE (in the bottom)

NOTE: After taking the screenshot, keep in mind that it is stored in the clipboard… so just "PASTE" it to an editing program and do it what you like with it (i.e. "SAVE" it).

ADVICE - Go trigger happy with it, and try to save 1,000,000 snapshots to your HD (yes, it is my challenge for you!)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Funny, I thought taking a screenshot would be a lot more complex.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Well written - Good article. Not that many people will need it but that is besides the point.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Errm, is this meant to be a joke? Screenshots are the stuff you learn @ primary school!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Well I have to say this is something you would learn pretty easily but I have friends that dont know how to take screeenshots. Besides that the directions aren't complex and are easy to understand.

AldarHawk's avatar
AldarHawk 18 years ago

WTF…I agree with mozzer…HOW is this an article? who would have thought that the printscreen key would actually do what it is labeled to do!?

I think this is awful!:o

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Mozzer and Aldar you guys are my heros. Yes this would be a good article on a newbie site, for people that were learning the basics of a computer. because yes, there was a time when we all learning this crap but comon serisously if we all can hack a page, and the white house dontcha think we know how to get screenshots for it every step of the way?

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

IF you guys are "too l33t" to think that this article is not worthwhile posting, then don't make the "newbs" or even more experienced computer enthusiasts feel bad about their ignorance about the PrintScreen key. Not everyone knows how to take a snapshot of their screen (on every OS, too).

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

its all basically the same on the dif OS's tho. except the MACs

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

My, God I feel insulted netfish. Your think people are too ingnorant to the PS key. I recently did my ECDL, VERY basic computer course and along with copying, pasting and renaming files was PS key!!!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Although i knew how to take a screenshot, its well written article, and i like how you gave info for 3 different OS's :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

decent article, i think pretty much the same thing as absorb just said, but yea, it IS very basic stuff. (though it took me forever to figure out what the print screen button did.) and about the "try to save 1,000,000 snapshots to your HD (yes, it is my challenge for you!)" i don't think i have enough harddrive space for that.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

basic or not, some people DON'T know it, so chill the fuck down with your leetism shit, cuz it's ridiculously arrogant of you.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

I didnt know how it worked. I wasnt aware that it was in the clip bord so I though the damned thing didn't work. Thank you for the information.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Also mozzer we didnt all take basic computer courses. Hackthis59 I am far from even being considered a decent hacker but I can do some shit. And until recently the I didnt know how the key worked. Just because there is an absence of one piece of knowledge that is considered basic to many, doesn't mean that a person can not know anything else far more advanced.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

omg, knutrainer - I was trying to explain that concept to mozzer, but he wouldn't get it. Hopefully, you get through to him.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

I knew it before I took taht basic course. Also, why is this an essay, what has it got to do with hacking?

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Aldar Hawk you can't call other people's article's. One of your recent ones - 'When you are this smart they call you MR'. That was horriffic.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Some of you we're just plain blunt. Rofl!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Pathetic article. How to take a screenshot on Linux? That's assuming a lot- for one, that you're even using Xwindows, which is probably okay to assume, but who said that anyone's using any given X daemon or window manager?

korg's avatar
korg 18 years ago

I was going to shit on this article myself, If your on this site I would assume you know ALL the functions of your keyboard. But from some of the pm's I've got and shit said in the shoutbox, There is a lot of people who have no clue here. IE Someone asked how do I find HKLM I want to tweak my windows? Yeah your going to fuck with the registry but don't know where it's at. God help us all. Good article for newbies to learn.