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How to capture SCREENSHOTS of your desktop

How to capture SCREENSHOTS of your desktop

By ghostghost | 7232 Reads |
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There is sometimes a need for a person to take a screenshot of their screen so that other people can troubleshoot his/her PC based on the image they see; Sometimes a screenshot is taken for the shear pleasure of having it as eye candy. Anyhow, it is a useful and powerful way to show what is going on in your desktop (even your illegal downloads from bittorent, DC++, eMule, and Limewire) to other people.

To do this, using:

  1. WINDOWS XP a. To take a picture of the fronstmost window
    press ALT+[PrintScreen] b. To take a picture of the entire desktop, simply press [PrintScreen]

*go to NOTE (in the bottom)

  1. LINUX a. Pressing Alt-[PrintScreen] grabs the frontmost window, while pressing PrintScreen by itself grabs the entire desktop image. You'll be presented with a "SaveAs" dialog to save the PNG image. b. You can also just press [PrintScreen] to get an entire snapshot of the screen.

*go to NOTE (in the bottom)

  1. MAC a. Pressing Command + Shift + 3 creates a PDF (or PNG in Tiger) file on your desktop containing a capture of the whole screen. b. Pressing Command + Shift + 4 lets you
    select the area to be captured. To take a capture of a menu or a window, press space bar after Command + Shift + 4. To copy a screenshot into a clipboard, hold CTRL key when issuing the commands above.

*go to NOTE (in the bottom)

NOTE: After taking the screenshot, keep in mind that it is stored in the clipboard… so just "PASTE" it to an editing program and do it what you like with it (i.e. "SAVE" it).

ADVICE - Go trigger happy with it, and try to save 1,000,000 snapshots to your HD (yes, it is my challenge for you!)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

If you are on this site you do not know all the functions on your keyboard. This is a learning site.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

What I ment to say was that this is a site where people come to learn. Just because some one doesnt know all the funtions on a keyboard or even the print screen key, doesnt mean they do not have knowledge elsewhere. I agree that this is not an article and should have been posted.

interslice's avatar
interslice 18 years ago

i hav to agree with adarhawk. but this article could be useful for those who dont know wat the printscreen key does…. in a wierd roundabout sort of way yes it could be helpful.:D

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

man i use printscreen for everything, in games, while on a webpage, as a sticky note whatever use it like 10-20 times per day and yet i didnt know u could solo out so u only captured the window u where in by pressing alt+print screen damn i feel a bit noobie now :P

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

i understand what mozzer and aldar are saying, but whatever you may think of other members, there will always be a few people out there who are at the basics and have come to learn. theres so many articles on "sending anon email" and "XSS" but when someone doesnt know how to print screen they need to start somewhere, preferably the bottom. rated good.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

  1. WINDOWS XP a. To take a picture of the fronstmost window press ALT+[PrintScreen]

is wrong, it a shot of the focused window (otherwise windows that are "always on top" would get in the way)

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

wow your elite man, you teach how to take a SS. noob