FBI Want A Backdoor In All Software
The FBI has asked several companies to start including FBI only backdoors into their software and hardware.
Not only is this a massive unnesisary invasion of privacy, but its also a goldmine for malisious hackers. This is invasion of privacy is deffinatly USA residents should be worried about.
To view more information click <a href='http://networkingpipeline.com/blog/archives/2006/01/feds_want_a_wir.html' target='_blank'>here.
ghost 18 years ago
if this is the case.. then they are making it worse.. as we all will find ways into it.
ghost 18 years ago
Who the h*ll is the FBI hiring now adays… if they really wanted to get in someones computer, wouldnt they have the knowledge to hack there computer themselves? instead having to make a backdoor on common network programs?
ghost 18 years ago
I heard about this a while ago.. it's insane… it's more than that it's like out of control.. I mean wtf?
Hopefully I'll move out of the US so I don't have to deal with this bullshit =/
ghost 18 years ago
Yeah, I read about that. Glad I don't live in the US. Maybe all hackers will have to move out of US. We have a much better democracy here. (Did you know our country is the 'largest democracy in the world' ?). Anyway I don't think such an insane legislation would ever be passed here. Internet laws are necessary but this is way over the limit. :o
Mr_Cheese 18 years ago
what im concerned about is, if this is put into play.. will every computer without these backdoors, be barred from USA networks and websites?
htmldesigner 18 years ago
:o I think it's totally messed up that the government is so nosey/lazy that they expect this to actually pass I'm going to start making others aware around my home town so if this ever does come around for sure that atleast I'll feel like I did my best to stop the madness.The gov. worries so much about what everybody else does they don't even stop and think about the fact that they are the real problem not that they care anyways but I sure do.
ghost 18 years ago
This is old news. Well, maybe not this report, but there was something exactly like this a couple years ago. I really doubt anything like this will come into play. The FBI can already record emails/IM's/phones etc, this isn't all that necessary.
ghost 18 years ago
does anyone have a link to a government site with information on this topic, I want to do all my fact checking before "rallying troops"
ghost 18 years ago
It's not going to happen! you people are crazy if you think its a serious problem, how do they stop others getting in there, hackers, terrorists, spys? It'll get throw out, if it doent I'll eat this ne cklace! holds up sweets necklace
ghost 18 years ago
I'm not a political analyst, but I think that this isn't a very good idea on the FBI's part. SURE, it allows for "Extra Seucrity" for the country or whatever, but as long as there are people typing away at their boxes, security measures will be beaten. Okay, I'm Canadian but this still bugs me. This might not be MY country's problem as of yet, but maybe CSIS (canada's version of the FBI/CIA) will pick up the idea, and then we're all screwed. "Big Brother" already goes over what we do with a fine-toothed comb, why do they need a magnifying glass?
bl4ckc4t 18 years ago
I for sure dont want the FBI screwing around in my box. But if its the case, Ill resort to creating a nice lil file that eats away their windows kernal. FBI is a pain in the ass. They are wasting US tax dollars trying to get all hackers, but what they really want are script kiddies.
For another matter, (yes i know its stupid to hack a government website or box) but if they have the security hole, why do we get arrested for them letting us in? Its hipocritical.
ghost 18 years ago
Wouldn't a normal firewall be able to stop this? If it comes to this, i'll just install Linux on my box, check through the whole source code, and only install Open Source on it :)
ghost 18 years ago
Classic tactic going on here. You want a contraversial 50, so you ask for a really contraverisal 100. A fight ensues, yours forced to back down bit by bit. After a long debate you settle on a halfway point. Your opponent thinks they've won but what do you care, you've got your 50.