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Unbounded Knapsack Problem - C++ Code Bank
Unbounded Knapsack Problem
This is my solution to the Unbounded Knapsack Problem using Dynamic Programming
Solution to the Unbounded Knapsack Problem
using Dynamic Programming
Implemented by GTADarkDude
For information on Knapsack Problems, check Wikipedia
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//CAPACITY > 0 (Max weight)
const int CAPACITY = 15;
//AMOUNT > 0 (Number of objects)
const int AMOUNT = 5;
struct Object
int weight, value;
typedef Object Objects[AMOUNT];
const Objects objects = {{12,4},{2,2},{1,2},{1,1},{4,10}};
//This is the example of Wikipedia (in the upper-right corner)
//value > 0, weight > 0
// (object will never get chosen when value <= 0, object will be chosen an infinite times when weight <= 0)
int fill_element(int memory[], const int c)
int max = 0;
for(int i=0; i<AMOUNT; i++)
if(objects[i].weight <= c)
const int temp = objects[i].value + memory[c-objects[i].weight];
if(temp > max)
max = temp;
return max;
void print_solution(const int solution)
cout << "\nIf you take a knapsack with a capacity of " << CAPACITY << " kg. and " << AMOUNT << " objects with the following data:\n";
for(int i=0; i<AMOUNT; i++)
cout << i+1 << "\tWeight: " << objects[i].weight << " kg.\tValue: " << objects[i].value << endl;
cout << "Then the highest value that can be achieved with this knapsack is: " << solution << endl;
int main()
cout << "****** Unbounded Knapsack Problem ******\n";
cout << "* by GTADarkDude *\n";
cout << "****************************************\n";
int memory[CAPACITY+1];
memory[0] = 0;
for(int c=1; c<=CAPACITY; c++)
memory[c] = fill_element(memory, c);
return 0;
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