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Bruteforcer Development Assistance Library - Python Code Bank
Bruteforcer Development Assistance Library
A class that allows the easy usage of generated strings.
The string's incremental nature is ideal for creating bruteforcing algorithms.
#!/usr/bin/env python
A class that allows the easy usage of generated strings
The string's incremental nature is ideal for creating bruteforcing algorithims
default = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]{}\\|;:\'",.<>/?`~'
letters = default[:52]
symbols = default[62:]
numbers = default[52:62]
lowercase = default[:26]
uppercase = default[26:52]
class generator():
def __init__(self, chars=default):
self.value = []
self.pointer = 0
self.chars = chars
def __increment__(self, char):
return self.chars[self.chars.find(char)+1]
def next(self):
"Returns a newly generated word after incremenation of the one in memory"
if self.value == []:
self.value = [self.chars[0]]
elif self.value[self.pointer] == self.chars[-1]:
if self.value[0] == self.chars[-1]:
self.pointer +=1
self.value += self.chars[0]
count = 0
for round in range(len(self.value)):
self.value[count] = self.chars[0]
count += 1
pointer = self.pointer
while self.value[pointer] == self.chars[-1]:
self.value[pointer] = self.chars[0]
pointer -= 1
self.value[pointer] = self.__increment__(self.value[pointer])
self.value[self.pointer] = self.__increment__(self.value[self.pointer])
string = ''
for character in self.value:
string += character
return string
def skip(self, times):
"Skip the internal value ahead x ammount of incremenations"
for round in range(times):
null = self.next()
def reset(self):
"Reset the memory and return the string to it's initial value"
def make(self, count):
"Generate a list of strings containing the ammount of values specified by 'count'"
words = []
for round in range(count):
words += [self.next()]
return words
def save(self):
"Return a dictionary with the saved state of the generator for continuation later on"
return [self.value, self.pointer, self.chars]
def load(self, data):
"Load a previously saved state for continuation without having to reset the generator"
self.value = data[0]
self.pointer = data[1]
self.chars = data[2]
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