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Brute String Generator - Python Code Bank

Brute String Generator
Will produce all possible words within a given alphabet and with a specific length. You can specify a prefix if u know one. For more info look at the header comment.
                #!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
#copyleft by cb0 (2010) - bruteStringer.py
#first posted on HBH
#Brute String Generator
#Start it with ./brutestringer.py 4 6 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890" ""
#will produce all strings with length 4 to 6 and chars from a to z and numbers 0 to 9
#You need to edit these settings to fit your needs.
#e.g. (1) When the prefix is know, use it as 4th parameter, 
#You know the pass is "MyPass***" and the *** are some numbers then call it with
#./brutestringer.py 3 3 "1234567890" "MyPass"
#e.g. (2) ./brutestringer.py 2 3 "abc" ""

def rec(w, b, p):
	for c in sys.argv[3]:
		if (b < w - 1):
			rec(w, b + 1, p + "%c" % c)
        print p

for b in range(int(sys.argv[1])+1, int(sys.argv[2]) + 2):
    rec(b, 0, sys.argv[4])

tjaart's avatar
tjaart 1 month ago

Here is an updated version of the code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import argparse

def generate_combinations(length, current_depth, prefix, charset, file_handle): “”“ Recursively generates all combinations of strings of a specified length using the provided charset and writes them to the file. “”“ for char in charset: if current_depth < length - 1: # Continue building the string generate_combinations(length, current_depth + 1, prefix + char, charset, file_handle) else: # Write the completed string to the file file_handle.write(prefix + char + ‘\n’)

def main(): # Parse command-line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=“Brute-force string generator.”) parser.add_argument(‘min_length’, type=int, help=“Minimum length of the generated strings.”) parser.add_argument(‘max_length’, type=int, help=“Maximum length of the generated strings.”) parser.add_argument(‘charset’, type=str, help=“Character set to use for string generation.”) parser.add_argument(‘prefix’, type=str, help=“Prefix to prepend to all generated strings.”) parser.add_argument(‘output_file’, nargs=’?’, default=‘output.txt’, help=“Output file to store generated strings. Defaults to ‘output.txt’.”)

args = parser.parse_args()

# Validate min_length and max_length
if args.min_length <= 0 or args.max_length < args.min_length:
    print("Error: Ensure that min_length > 0 and max_length >= min_length.")

# Begin the string generation process
    with open(args.output_file, 'w') as file_handle:
        print(f"Generating strings of length {args.min_length} to {args.max_length}...")
        print(f"Using charset: {args.charset}")
        print(f"Prefix: '{args.prefix}'")
        print(f"Output will be saved to: {args.output_file}")
        print("Generation started...")

        for length in range(args.min_length, args.max_length + 1):
            generate_combinations(length, 0, args.prefix, args.charset, file_handle)

        print("Generation completed successfully.")
except IOError as e:
    print(f"Error: Unable to write to file '{args.output_file}'. {e}")

if name == “main”: main()