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unscrambles scrambled words using a dictionary - Perl Code Bank
unscrambles scrambled words using a dictionary
uses a file of words to find unscrambled words from a file of scrambled words. algorithm is words should be the same length of scrambled words and have only its characters.
# usage: unscramble.pl scrambled_list_file word_list_file
use strict;
sub main{
my $scrambled_file = shift;
my $wordlist_file = shift;
open my $fh,"<$wordlist_file" or die "cannot open the file: $!";
my @wordlist = <$fh>;
close $fh;
open my $fh,"<$scrambled_file" or die "cannot open the file: $!";
my @scrambled = <$fh>;
close $fh;
foreach my $scrambled (@scrambled){
$scrambled =~ s/\r\n//g;
$scrambled =~ s/\n//g;
print $scrambled. " -> ";
my @chars = split '',$scrambled;
foreach my $word (@wordlist){
$word =~ s/\r\n//g;
$word =~ s/\n//g;
my $flag = 1;
if (length $word == length $scrambled){
foreach my $char (@chars){
if (not $word =~ /[$char]/){
$flag = 0;
my $allchars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
$allchars =~ s/[@chars]//g;
my @nochars = split '',$allchars;
foreach my $char (@nochars){
if ($word =~ /[$char]/){
$flag = 0;
if ($flag == 1){
print $word ."\n";
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