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Server Problems
Server Problems
<img src='http://www.airliance.com/images/news/imagelib/servers-low.jpg' style='margin:5px;' align='left' height='110' width='110'>Im sorry to say, yet again we are having server problems. This is due to the server being hacked + rooted and then changed root files etc. HBH Staff and our host, both apologize for HBH's downtime.
In the mean time, HBH Staff members are working very hard to finish the new HBH cms. It should be with us shortly. If any of you experianced php scripters wish to participate in the making of the new cms, please contact Grindordie or Mr_Cheese.
ghost 19 years ago
That is stupid, why would someone hackthissite. (haha) This is the best damn site there is. Also you guys don't have to apologize because of stupid people :)