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HBH Python Competition
HBH Python Competition
That's right folks, we have another competition going on. This one is a python optimizing challenge and is hosted by our friend ynori7.
The competition details can be found here: <a href='http://www.hellboundhackers.org/forum/hbh_python_competition-64-15104_0.html'>Python
Let's get your minds in gear and get those submission in!
UPDATE: Well the competition has ended and the winners have been announced! The results are in the forums in case you didn't catch it, The results are:
1st Place: stdio 2nd Place: otani 3rd Place: just a panda
Thanks to ynori7 for taking the time to host the challenge and thanks to all who competed.
ghost 14 years ago
javascript 5, is it down? i placed my anwser in the box and it tells me im right then takes me to the error screen