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HBH Updates

HBH Updates

Had a glitch in the website recently and a complication with the hosts. But dont fear its all sorted now.

We're doing some major security updates on HBH at the moment, but it may take some time to get uploaded. We will open hbh to the public, but take into account there may be some areas of the site that will not work for you. Particulary getting 403 errors.

Click on readmore for more information.

Had a glitch in the website recently and a complication with the hosts. Missed a monthly payment that should be automated via Direct Debit, but because i work with credit card systems at my job and have to test new payment systems i design… turns out…. i accidently maxed out my account (seeing as i use my own card to test) and it takes 3 days to go back in, blah blah, and it goes on from there. :embarrsed: But dont fear its all sorted now.

We're doing some major security updates on HBH at the moment too, but it may take some time to get uploaded. We will open hbh to the public, but take into account there may be some areas of the site that will not work for you. Particulary getting 403 errors. We know about these, so please dont tell us. We are constantly developing this weekend to get it fixed.

The /challenges/ folder is also off-bounds for now, until we can go about adding it to the "allowed" files and folders. But theres over 1,000 files that all need to be individually checked before "allowed". So it's gonna take a few days!

I'll pay a couple of hbh developers to get it all sorted, so with more people it'll get done alot quicker. If you feel like buying a hbh developer a beer for all there hard work, buy a couple months EM.

Sorry for the hold up. Im really pushing to get HBH developed as much as possible over the next 6 months. This means occasionally things wont work, but after those 6 months, hopefully HBH should bebasically "finished" and self sustaining. Its a big list, but hopefully 6 months should do it.

Peace guys.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

3 years? I wonder if hbhcons will still be running

Mr_Cheese's avatar
Mr_Cheese 17 years ago

ofcourse, only then it'll be in a hotel and tickets by £100 !! and we'll have kevin mitnick as speaker etc etc :D i got it all planned out ;) lol

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

lmao, cool, if he's out by then :/

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 17 years ago

Rofl rofl rofl rofl mushroom mushroom! I remember when EG tried to get Mitnick to speak at an "EGCon"

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

what happened?

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

mitnick charges ALOT

BIBER's avatar
BIBER 17 years ago

Yeah call them all! Dark Dante! That would be interesting :)

Flaming_figures's avatar
Flaming_figures 17 years ago

I'm only 14, but I would so go to a Canadian HBH Con.. (lol. going to an England one as soon as I can… probably when I see some relatives in Ireland)

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Where do you live?