Welcome back everyone, its been a while updating but we fainlly back online after alot of hard work. Over the next few days you'll see some changes to the site, after we upload more panels and modifications etc. So expect it to be looking brand new in a few days. If you find any errors or anything unusual please notify us.
We hope you enjoy our site….at the current rate were getting more and more users by the day so we want to thank everyone for your dedication to the site and for helping us out find all the bugs. And please.. If you find an exploit that can damage the site greatly, just inform us and we'll fix it and give you the points. Please don't try to ruin the site. All the admins work hard every day to get the site back up and better. Edited by GhostlyHacker
Welcome back everyone, its been a while updating but we fainlly back online after alot of hard work. Over the next few days you'll see some changes to the site, after we upload more panels and modifications etc. So expect it to be looking brand new in a few days.
If you have any suggestoins or comments, post here, or in the forums
ghost 19 years ago
ghost 17 years ago