HBH is Back
HBH is Back
Very sorry for the downtime. Apparently HBH was on a server under the LayeredTech control. So the kind people decided to delete HBH without making backups. So it took me 3 days to convince them to actually hand over a hbh backup from one of the previous server backups. So to cut a long story short, LayeredTech are c#~ts.
However! Now we are back, with some excellent potential and new features on their way. The HBH admins/dev's werent slacking whilst HBH was down, we've been coding/redesigning and comming up with new features, which will all be released at once in the near future!
We now also have hellboundsecurity.org, so both domains will access HBH
Very sorry for the downtime. Apparently HBH was on a server under the LayeredTech control. So the kind people decided to delete HBH without making backups. So it took me 3 days to convince them to actually hand over a hbh backup from one of the previous server backups. So to cut a long story short, LayeredTech are c#~ts.
Feel free to voice your opinion to them, on their their forums, email or ticket support system. www.layeredtech.com.
However! Now we are back, with some excellent potential and new features on their way. The HBH admins/dev's werent slacking whilst HBH was down, we've been coding/redesigning and comming up with new features, which will all be released at once in the near future!
We now also have hellboundsecurity.org, so both domains will access HBH. This should be alot better for schools / businesses / CV / resume etc where you may feel uncomfortable mentioning the URL for hellboundhackers.org. So take your pic, access from either domain. If HBH is banned at your school etc, then possibly hellboundsecurity.org will allow you to access it, and shows up alot nicer in the internet access logs.
I spent over $200 out of my own pocket to get this all setup on this host. Got some cool features too and decent support and uptime, so hopefully its worth it. So yeah, $200 is deffiantly alot of money for me, but hbh is worth it. so… be nice to me, went through alot to get this all setup and back within a short time….. <span class='small'>buy a t-shirt or something, or donate to paypal enough to buy me a beer lol! Anyways, Glad HBH is back and im deffo looking forward to these updates we'll be installing over the next month!
Mr_Cheese 17 years ago
pleased with hellboundsecurity.org, maybe now i can actually put it on my CV/resume! we'll be getting a new theme for "HBS" soon, a more clean corporate, business type theme. :)
ghost 17 years ago
Cheese, come on man. Stop blaming the damn server for your problems.
This is not the servers problem, they do not own the site. It is your fault for not having up to date backups…
Seriously, how hard is it to backup a site 3 times a day? If you are "so good" you should be able to come up with this shit "so easily", I could name a hundred and one ways of solving the issues you have with hosts.
Be a man, fix the issues so shit like this doesn't happen.
Here is some ideas…
Write a script that gets all the content that has been "edited", "added"… Download this backup. Do not generate a backup of all the files / all the content / and all that other kind of shit.
You are wasting your time and space… Why would you back something up that has not been changed?
Trust me, a backup 3 times a day this way is not going to take you as long as a full backup every couple of weeks will. And you will never ever been but a few hours out of date on your backups.
ghost 17 years ago
The db will change every ten minutes when someone completes a mission. File backups should be taken everytime you change the source and you should have an md5 checksum to make sure that noone has uploaded anything nasty
@skarecrow - we agree on something at last
Uber0n 17 years ago
Skarecrow: I think you're going on too hard there :right:… If LayeredTech had promised to make and keep backups, it doesn't surprise me that Cheese didn't make backups three times a day ^^
Mr_Cheese 17 years ago
actually, hbh generates daily backups via cron job. however for the last month the previous server was generating corrupt backups. so i only got backups when i logged in and made them myself, which to be honest i dont have the time to do each day. i spoke with the host a few times about the corrupt cron job backups, but nothing was done.
ghost 17 years ago
make your own backup script, you cannot rely on the host. if you want to make sure something is going to work correctly do it yourself. and this is not just one host this has become a problem on. this is an on going problem with HBH, every time you guys get kicked off a host I swear there is like a few weeks that HBH i missing in content.
ghost 17 years ago
so, will we be able to use our HBH accounts on hellbound security or will we have to re-register? cuz right now if i try to in it gives me a malformed error and the same thing happens if i try to make a new account :(
ghost 17 years ago
Calling it HellboundSecurity won't help much at school, with the eye-catching logo with the words "HellBoundHackers' moving around. It won't help anywhere else for that matter. I think something should be done about that.