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WebWars & Challenges
WebWars & Challenges
<img src='http://php-fusion.co.uk/images/news_cats/news.gif' style='margin:5px;' align='left' height='80'>As you all know, WebWars is starting as soon as people start to organize their team. The faster the teams are made the sooner WebWars will open. So if you haven't registered in a group or made a group start now. We are also having missions developed and today system_meltdown and Grindordie made two javascript challenges, meanwhile the staff is also coding three new realistic missions. Once of them is 80 percent done. So be ready to try it out, you are able to beta test it only if you are a Exclusive member.
ghost 18 years ago
system_meltdown lol, I am working on your math problem now. =P Web Wars! whoa!!!!!!!