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computer survey

computer survey

By ghostghost | 3800 Reads |
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Computer Survey

  1. Gender: Female Male

  2. With which racial/ethnic group do most closely identify?

Black/African-American Mexican-American/Chicano Asian/Pacific Islander Asian-American White/Caucasian Puerto Rican South Asian Other: Native American Other Hispanic South East Asian

  1. a. Year: 01 02 03 R.U.E. Grad Student [If you are a mid-year, circle the year with which you most closely identify]

    b. Type of high school you attended (please circle): public private international

  2. a). Does your family own a computer? How old were you when your family first purchased a computer?

b). In what grade did you start using a computer/word processor to write?

  1. In what grade did you start using a computer at the following stage of writing a paper?

Pre-writing [outlining, free-writing, etc]: Writing the body of the paper: Revising:

  1. How often do you use a computer when you do the following types of writing?

Academic/Expository: Never Sometimes Most of the time Always N/A Personal – Letters: Never Sometimes Most of the time Always N/A Personal – Journal: Never Sometimes Most of the time Always N/A Creative: Never Sometimes Most of the time Always N/A

  1. When you write an academic paper, what do you do first? Do you use a computer?

  2. How much time (or what % of time) do you spend for the following stages of writing a five-page paper?

Pre-writing (outlining, free-writing, etc): Writing the body of the paper: Revising:

  1. When you write an academic paper, which medium do you tend to use for the following writing stages?

Pre-Writing/Planning: Pen/Paper Computer Both –How do you do it?

Revision: –How do you do it?

  1. When (if ever) do you print out a draft and revise on paper?

  2. Do you have any additional comments?

Night_Stalker's avatar
Night_Stalker 16 years ago

Well, honestly, I think this is a completely useless article, and is just wasting space.. Whichever admin approved this must be on crack. or some other harmful drug..