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HP printer Display Hack

HP printer Display Hack

By ghostghost | 11104 Reads |
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Ok, this is my first article/tutorial, so don't expect it to be super great. I was just googling random stuff the other day and i found a very interesting hack that is GREAT for a little Urban Defacement in your school's computer lab.

OBJECTIVE… Change the display of the network printer in the computer lab.

How It is Done. Ok, I dont know if this will work on anything but HP printers because that is all they have at my school.

Step One….

Go to START.CONTROL PANEL.PRINTERS AND FAXES. right click the printer you want to hack, and select properties. Click on the 'ports' tab. Scroll down untill you see the checked box. There should be an ip address there. REMEMBER THIS ADDRESS!!

Step Two…

Run cmd and type "Telnet [printer ip address] 9100"

you should then get a telnet prompt. type in @PJL RDYMSG DISPLAY="some text here" press enter then ^] (the escape character)

Do not worry if you cant see anything when you type in the @PJL… part: Remember that you are using telnet.

I did this little trick at my school and made the printer say "REMOTE ERROR: SYSTEM HACKED" and when the teacher saw it, she really freaked out. SOOO FUNNY

This will not change the actual performance of the printer, it will only change the display message. If you mess up, or forget to type in 9100 (means you will connect to port 23) it will just print whatever you type in when you press enter.

Anyway, good luck and happy hacking!!

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Nice idea, sounds like something i might have to try!

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

i was going to do that to the printer at my school but then i got kicked off the network permanently… maybe il do it to my home printer and change it to "no credit. please insert cojn(s)"

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

lol @koolkeith @wakeride, creative, nice article.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

@koolkeith12345: rofl

Nice article wakeride ;)

Ayr4's avatar
Ayr4 17 years ago

Nice one…if it works xD

Ayr4's avatar
Ayr4 17 years ago

I tried this on my school today, but i got a a login prompt. I tried several usernames, but i coulnt enter a password:/ But cool that it works tho:P

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Great stuff! Real funny stuff i'll try it next week can't wait too see the look on trhe victims faces :-D

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

wont work with me home computer… it uses a usb port >.< nice article though works nice at UAB (T3h college ive been at for the week) t3h ITs thought it was hilarious:happy:

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

thanks for the /n tip bouncer. I did not even think about trying someting like that!!

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Yo, im making a VB App for this for work… if you'd like … just PM me for it :)