Making Hidden User Accounts
Making Hidden User Accounts
When you start up Windows XP, you get a logon screen with all of the accounts that you are able to login to. There are also hidden accounts on your computer that you can't see, and this is how you make your own.
Open the 'Start' menu, select 'Run' and type in 'regedit'.
Expand these folders in order from top to bottom:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Winlogon SpecialAccounts UserList
Now that you're in the 'UserList' folder, you can see all of the different accounts that you have made, and are running in the background. These hidden accounts are there for a reason, so don't go messing with them unless you know you're sure you want to.
You may now alter an existing account, or make a new one. To make a new one right-click in the window and select 'New' 'DWORD Value' and the name of the file will be the name of the account. By default the new account is hidden so you don't need to do anything else.
To make existing accounts hidden or visible, right-click the desired account and select 'Modify'. The 'Value data' is either set to a '0' or '1', and I'm sure you've already guessed, '0' = hidden and '1' = visible.
In order to access the hidden accounts you must logout and go back to the logon screen. Once there you must press 'Ctrl+Alt+Delete' two times (2x) and a 'Windows NT' style logon window will appear. Type in the desired account name/password and you're in!
The only side effect to this cool little feature is that when you want to log off. Selecting 'Switch User' when logging off will work, but you will not be able to access you're hidden accounts, you may however still switch between visible accounts. To go from one hidden account to another you must log off of the account completly or you will have to restart the computer to enable hidden accounts again.
korg 17 years ago
Here's the same article, With an easier way I use.[url][]
korg 17 years ago
Fucking tags
Cybernaught 17 years ago
Wow, that does look like a copy and paste! Unfortunately I did write this by doing it step-by-step on my own… Anyway, I'm not concerned with similar or exact articles written on the web, you can probably find any of the articles posted on HBH, on the web. I really appreciate the comments, but don't waste your time surfing the web for similar articles, you should make sure they're not doubled on HBH. That's all I'm concerned about, I don't want to double someones article on here. Thanks again,
ghost 17 years ago
due it tried it, i dont know if it works but it took me awhile to find some of the folders, but thxx i really needed this artical, many thxx
ghost 17 years ago
hey im having a problem cybernaught, it wont let me log on, i did exactly what you said and it says the hidden user i created has a password, and i dont know what it is.