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By ghostghost | 5072 Reads |
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Tweak ONE: To speed up your folder opening,go to My Computer,open Tools and find the Folder option, then find View and uncheck Automatically search for network folders and printers and Do not cache the thumbnails,and for this tweak you will need 512 ram at least{Launch folder windows in a separate process}. Tweak TWO: Windows XP has a stylish menu,but it takes much resources,im going to show hot to have the same menu but more lighter.Open Control Panel,open System,open Advanced there you should see three options the first is our target \"Perfomance\" there is a option so open Settings,now you see the Visual Effects so uncheck everything and leave only \"Smooth edges of screen fonts and the\"Use visual styles on windows and buttons\" and then enjoy your XP truly.. Tweak Three: XP has in built Error reporting but is uselles and is taking resources.Open control Panel then System and press Advanced,below Startup and Recovery there is a option called \"Error Reporting\" open it and there you will find the option \"Disable error reporting\"choose it and there is also below that\"But notify me when critical error occur\"choose that too..END Tweak FOUR: For security concerns and stability you should disable \"Remote Assistance\" and \"Allow users to connect remotely to this computer\"to disable them go to Control Panel,System and Remote there are two options uncheck them.the end> Tweak FIVE: If your Hard disk is in format NTFS you can make tweaks.The first is called Indexing Service. To disable it you must go to My computer and with your mouse click with your right button on you local disk possibly C,there are options uncheck Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching choose then the second option and wait id depends how large is your HD,while you do that a warning will pop up,for that choose Ignore all,to finish with there tweak will take probably 6 or 10 minutes.After that open again Control Panel and choose Admi nistrative tools then choose Services,search in the Service folder for the Indexing Service and then choose Disable. Tweak SIX: Now im going to show you registry tweaks,"be aware and make a backup".. To make your menu display instant go to run and type regedit,choose [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] then find "MenuShowDelay" and then change the number to 0.this will make your menu display like a wind.oh restart then the effect is working. Tweak SEVEN: To shutdown your box quicker then go to run type regedit chooseHKEY CURRENT USER\Control Panel\Desktop and there should be two entrys called AutoEndTasks replace the 0 with 1,after that there should be two entries called "WaitToKillAppTimeout" and "HungAppTimeout" if they dont exist then create them,there are Dwords values,after youve create them change the value of the "WaitToKillAppTimeout" to 2000,and the "HungAppTimeout" value to 1000 and then reboot…good luck

When i have time i`ll continue,i hope you like it….BB:)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

kl guide. not very errr dont know the word, doesent tell you alot though lol, id suggest writing an article on say, registry tweaks and be a little more through (do more stuff)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

the formatting could be a bit better too….like new lines between the tweaks ?

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

thanks i`ll try to do it better!:)

korg's avatar
korg 18 years ago

Fairly decent article but these are 3&4 years old. If people don't know these by now, You must have just got windows:). There are at least 400 tips listed on http://www.xptuneup.com/index.htm. & http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp.htm

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Nice article, I'll have to try these out. Gotta read your second article too.

Also, you wouldn't happen to like the band no cash would you?

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

wait that last comment was aimed at PureEvil.