The Benefits of Linux,
The Benefits of Linux,
Welcome to my first article!
I am going to try and explain to all you people out there why I use Linux rather than Windows.
First of all, customization. Windows has themes but from my knowledge they are hard to come across and not very often are they free. Where as on the otherhand Linux themes (depending on your distrbution) are easy to get hold of and a lot kooler than windows. Also the way you interact with it and the layout of the bars (like the taskbar and startmenu) can be altered a lot more with linux than it can be with Winblows.
Cost: Linux = Free, Windows = Not. That should be enough but windows is not only not free it's damn well expensive! Last time I checked XP Home was £85. Linux on the otherhand is free AND to make the deal even sweeter it's quite often open source!
Running from CD: Linux distros can sometimes be Live, which means there is no need to install as the run directly from CD, officially windows does not offer this, which sucks.
Running from RAM: On a system like mine (which has 2.5GBs of RAM, running from ram is brilliant, my system has never gone so fast! Again, windows does not offer this and demands to be run from HDD.
Software included: Windows (typically) comes with a little software, a media player and a web browser at the most I guess, where as Linux often comes with EVERYTHING You need from a word processor, to well, everything I guess!
Hardware Detection: Windows XP has a rather large database of drivers (unlike its predesesors) although it still manages to miss a lot of the hardware I use, I have not yet come across something that my Linux Distro is not able to detect and use! Which is another point to Linux!
Well I hope this has enligtened a few people out there to atleast try a *nix distro. I recommend Knoppix of Slax as a first as they are both LiveCDs and therefore do not require a lot of setting up or alterations to your system!
EDIT: I am not trying to put windows down with this article, and I am sorry if it seems like I am. I am simply trying to raise Linux up!
ghost 19 years ago
Forgive me if this wasn't your objective, but this article really pisses me off. Free themes: Two, Windows is not a customizable operating system because it is directed toward complete idiots and those who dont want to wade through a bunch of shit before getting what they want done. Windows is also installable on many different computers, and rarely are there any obstacles unless you have an extremely shit HD. With customizability comes complication. Windows is very easy going and is directed toward the general population. Sorry if I'm pissing you off, but Im tired of hearing 'Winblows' when plenty of hackers use it successfully.
SySTeM 19 years ago
I really don't get everyone's problem with Windows. It is an alright O/S! Why does no-one understand that?!
ghost 19 years ago
I too believe that windows is an alright O/S. I just prefer Linux. Not all Linux, it in turn can be shit too. I use windows 24/7 at work and all I see in windows failing to meet expectations and generally screwing up. Windows is excellent for the general population, so I guess I don't belong in the general population. And yes sorry this article is opinionated but I guess I'm just an opinionated guy. I also fall into the catagory of people who say windows suck (and yes I was on a windows box when I wrote this article) Windows has its benefits, I just think Linux has more freedom.
As for system_meltdows point. Windows is ALRIGHT, that's my point is okay, where as Linux is great! I'm not trying to put windows down and I am sorry if that is what it seems, I am trying to raise Linux up!
ghost 19 years ago
I have both, I use windows a lot, I use linux a lot; They are both fine; When I feel like fucking around I go to windows, when I feel like working, hacking, or just overall focusing for long periods of time, linux is for me; I play games on my win os also;
BTW, this article was short, and pointless; You should have just made a thread.
ghost 19 years ago
Well I use both linux and windows, but linux has yet to been able to detect my Broadcom 802.11b/g Wireless card. The only linux that does detect it, thinks its a ehternet port, and im yet to figure out how to reconfigure it so it knows its a wireless thus enabling me to use some things such as packet sniffers lol.
ghost 19 years ago
There are Windows livecds. Not official, true. But then again, there is no such thing as an official linux livecd. Windows is easily customized and I haven't seen a theme that isn't free yet. Also, not all Linux distributions are free.
ghost 19 years ago
Yeah, windows doesn't suck. You try making something better. But in my opinion, its just OK. Linux does beat it. (And so does OS X)
ghost 19 years ago
I love using linux, but windows is ok when i'm playing games. And if anyone says 'you make one better' i already have. its uncrashable. i liked this article, the exact amount of windows bashing :P .
ghost 19 years ago
I'm also not so sure that I like Linux all that much. Gasp! Unless I'm using pure shell, I don't really want a whole lot to do with linux. The GUI's for it just suck.
ghost 19 years ago
@scankyfrank: let me sit with ur "perfect uncrashable" OS for a day and ill have more bugs and crashes faster than u can say "windows".
anywho.. i dont see y people bash on windows so much, atleast 80% or more of the "hacker" population has or is using windows. linux is not very good of an OS to run stand alone. First off, wireless drivers are a mofo to get running on linux, windows does it for u. the only benefit towards having linux is the terminal and some of the programs available for linux. over all windows IS better.
ghost 19 years ago
Those who obsess over linux aren't really too intelligent, neither are those who love only windows; I personally love all of the operating systems, they all have ups and downs; I personally like the personalizing I can do on windows, I may have to program a thing or two to edit certain features but hey, so be it;
ghost 19 years ago
See I dont obsess over linux and I dont obsess over windows its just not my Fav OS in the world and it is customizable with programs like Windows Blinds and StyleXP
ghost 19 years ago
Oh and like GO THE MAC (Sorry it had to be mentioned in this article somewhere)(No im not a mac fan boy i only like them for their graphics
ghost 19 years ago
You might not be a mac fan boy. But I am. Still, all OSes have their pros and cons.
ghost 19 years ago
Thank you all for your comments and I have already mentioned I AM NOT AGAINST WINDOWS, I just like Linux and wanted to put forward some of the good points that I believe Linux has over Windows. It is the first article I have written and appologise for the way it is written as people seem to be upset by it. I am taking this chance to reinforce the fact that I am only trying to put Linx forward rather than insult Windows.
Also I would like to say in response to a comment that not all Linux distros are free but there are a lot that are and windows is very expensive, Im sure if you though about it relatively and take into accomodation piracy and things like that then it wouldn't seem that expensive but it really is!
Incase I haven't said I myself do use windows on two of my 3 systems. Two are on a dual boot the other is souly Linux. I use 2 Live CD distros Slax and Knoppix aswell.
ghost 19 years ago
GreyInTheLaw, I STRONGLY urge you learn to use linux before you write about it. It is very obvious that you 've done very little.
ghost 19 years ago
erm, excuse me? any particular point you'd like to discuss that shows I've little experience?
ghost 19 years ago
yes the point that says ur linux has found all of your hardware devices thats completly bullshit and the fact that linux is free not always what about linspire? "the easiest desktop linux " and for complete novices windows is just awesome not to mention the fact that its extremly hard to get source running on it so get ur shit right