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Gaining root on windows and linux

Gaining root on windows and linux

By ghostghost | 4851 Reads |
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=================================== Gaining "root" on any platform.

EDIT @ October 20, 2005: I receaved a PM saying to remove the windows password u require the password. This is FALSE. This is a major flaw in windows, but works great towards ur advantage :)

Platform #1. Windowz (Method 1)

Step 1. Hit Start and then hit "Control Panel". NOTE: If control panel is disabled move on to method 2.

Step 2. Navigate to "User Accounts" and double click.

Step 3. Click the "Administrator" account located on the botom where it sais "or pick an account to change" NOTE: Some schools rename the administrator account to something more difficult. Doesn't matter tho just find an account that sais "Computer administrator" below it.

Step 4. After you click the account it should show a screen that has a list of options, click "Remove password".

Step 5. The computer administrator account no longer has a password so you can now just log in. Hit start then run. then type in "shutdown -l" (which will log you off, incase your school disabled the ability to log off, such as mine).

Step 6. Type in the administrator username and hit enter.

Step 7. Have phun! NOTE: You might want to close any programs that will allow the teacher to view your screen, or any logging programs.

Platform #2. Windowz (Method 2)

Step 1. Grab a copy of "Password Changer" (http://password-changer.com/) and then burn it onto a CD or floppy, something you can make the victim computer boot into.

Step 2. Ounce the victim computer is running the Password Changer, just change the password to the account you want access to, then reboot and let the victim pc boot normally.

Step 3. Type in the changed account username and password.

Step 4. Have phun! NOTE: You might want to close any programs that will allow the teacher to view your screen, or any logging programs.

Platform #3. Linux (Instant root)

NOTE: This method works best with RedHat distro's.

Step 1. Reboot the computer until you see the kernel selection screen.

Step 2. Edit the GRUB (boot loader) by hitting E. You go down to the kernel. You type "1 " (including the space!!)

Step 3. Boot the kernel.

Step 4. You now have root terminal access. Type in "passwd NEWPASSWORDHERE" replacing NEWPASSWORDHERE with whatever password you want the root account to have.

Step 5. Reboot the computer and select the kernel (without modifying it this time).

Step 6. Log in as root and the new password.

Step 7. Have phun! NOTE: You might want to close any programs that will allow the teacher to view your screen, or any logging programs.

Please note gaining root on school networks is highly illegal so i say this to anyone..

I am only that of a teacher, what the student does is in his/her own will. You may NOT hold me responcible for anything you may do with this knowledge =)

-Haykuro www.inphormationpirates.net - "Gaining root, one box at a time"

n3w7yp3's avatar
n3w7yp3 19 years ago

booting the kernal to get a root terminal doesn't work anymore (i read about this method a while back and tested it on my RedHat 9 system). it will work on older RedHat distros (like 7.1 on down). BTW, there is no "root" account on Windows. tis admin ;) But its a good article. lots of info. why not write an article about physical security, and how compromising a system in this manner can lead to a full network compromise?

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

heh i kno there is no root in windows, thats y in the discription i wrote 'gaining root (administrative) access' meaning root and or administrative acess. about the 2nd article thing PM me some more indetailed information i dont really understand wut u mean by a full newtwork compromise.

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

heh, none of it work with novell in place X.X, also, deep freeze helps :) haha

n3w7yp3's avatar
n3w7yp3 19 years ago

Haykuro, check your PMs.<BR><BR>Deshouleres: even with Novell in place its still possible to get admin privs on the localmachine, and then hack your way onto the network….

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

nice article….good work ;)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

pretty nice article man :) never knew that you could just remove a password lol

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

hmmm…wheird…so u can remove an administrator pass through gui…i ll try it and tell ya…what i want is to remove the protection of ie about violence and other content…so that i can play hacker to my noob friends:p

lukem_95's avatar
lukem_95 18 years ago

its not highly illegal! a bit illegal yeh but the worst that will happen is youll get kicked out of school