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An easier JTR tutorial

An easier JTR tutorial

By ghostghost | 10002 Reads |
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This is my first artical so…. xD

This is my first artical so bare with me please. xD

Ok. I'm gonna teach you how to use JTR for windows.

First go to http://openwall.com/john/ and download the lates JTR windows version (not DOS)

Now unzip it and save the folder to c:\.

Rename the folder "John" so it can be easier. now go to the RUN folder and you will see "John-837" (or something like that) and renaim it "John" Also…

Now find a good DES hash.. Right now I will use: blackbird:CRi5X362c8NIA Now save your hash in a text file called passwd.txt. Put that file in the "RUN" folder of john.

Now go to the start menu and click on run. Now type "cmd" and press "ok"

Now in the command prompt, type: "cd c:\john\RUN" (Put slashes were they need to go. srry but for some reason this artical wont let me.)

Now type "John passwd.txt" and it will start to brute force the password. Just press any key to see the progress or press "CTRL C" to stopt it. When it's done it will let you know.

Now you can type "john -show passwd.txt" and it will successfuly show you the cracked password :D

Now u've got it! If you still have questions, please PM me or e-mail me at kirbyfree@hotmail.com.

Ok now for the wordlists. If you want a better wordlist than google one and download one. I recommend cain and able wordlist. Now take that wordlist and name it 'password.lst' now drag it to the run dir in john and replace it with the cureent one. And there. a better word lists :D

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Rate this :D

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

cd c:johnRUN"


ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

oh, sry, you changed it already

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

you might want to put something about how to use a wordlist. it's much more efficient, especially since most (if not all) times you need to crack a DES on hbh you can crack it with a good wordlist. also jtr saves cracked passwords in a file called john.pot…i find that useful so you can look back in it after you've closed cmd or whatever. decent artical anyways though.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

ok i added it :D

korg's avatar
korg 18 years ago

I already did an article on jtr a while back. I give more info on using the commands for cracking, Nice first try for an article:)

korg's avatar
korg 18 years ago

A cool way to find all your dir in command is to simply type: cd "space" then keep hitting your "tab" button to browse all your directories.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

i know but alot of people still dont understand it so im giving tem the basics and u give them more of it :happy:

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

cheers, ill try this program when i get home, (and reboot my comp:@), i tried it once before, but got nowhere :-/, this should get me started :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Nice article but I still think that theargon24M is a better one than the Cain wordlist :p

Flaming_figures's avatar
Flaming_figures 18 years ago

Thank you! This helped me at least get going with it.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Nice article, you get right to the point, and it did work for me. Nice one Blackbird.

leonheart's avatar
leonheart 17 years ago

brilliant article blackbird. had a few problems with it, but that was down to my pure stupidity. Instead of passwd.txt I put passwd.txt.txt. so when i tried to run passwd.txt it wouldn't. Sorted now typed dir and realized what I had done lol.