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Animated Rain

Animated Rain

By ghostghost | 5849 Reads |
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Animated Rain Effect Difficulty - 1 2 3 4 5 Tutorial Writer - Travmanx (Drumline God) © 2004-2005

//Present Sizes - Custom //Width - (Depends on size of picture you are going to use) //Height - (Depends on size of picture you are going to use) //Resolution - 72 - pixels/inch //Mode - RGB Color //Contents - White

Step 1 Copy any image from somewhere and paste it into your document. I have used a forest.

Step 2

Create a new layer and add some noise Filter>Noise>Add Noise, with these settings

Amount : 60 Gaussian

Step 3

Create 5 more layers except you will add 2 to the amount each time so

Layer 2 Amount : 62 Layer 3 Amount : 64 Layer 4 Amount : 66 Layer 5 Amount : 68 Layer 6 Amount : 70

Step 4

Add motion blur to your all the rain layers Filter>Blur>Motion Blur, with these settings

Angle : 80 Distance : 30

Step 5

Now you will need to transfer layers over to Adobe Photoshop Image Ready by going to File>Jump To>Adobe Photoshop Image Ready.

Step 6

Add 5 new frames, so you should now have 6 frames

Step 7

On the first frame make the only your images and layer 2 visible, and follow this

Frame 1 Background Layer: Visible
Layer 1: Visible
Layer 2: Not visible Layer 3: Not visible Layer 4: Not visible Layer 5: Not visible

Frame 2 Background Layer: Visible
Layer 1: Not visible Layer 2: Visible
Layer 3: Not visible Layer 4: Not visible Layer 5: Not visible

Frame 3 Background Layer: Visible
Layer 1: Not visible Layer 2: Not visible Layer 3: Visible
Layer 4: Not visible Layer 5: Not visible

Frame 4 Background Layer: Visible
Layer 1: Not visible Layer 2: Not visible Layer 3: Not visible Layer 4: Visible Layer 5: Not visible

Frame 5 Background Layer: Visible
Layer 1: Not visible Layer 2: Not visible Layer 3: Not visible Layer 4: Not visible Layer 5: Visible

Congrats you have just made an “Animated Rain Affect” to your image! Here is what I got

dami3n's avatar
dami3n 18 years ago

Hi i tried this tutorial out and because i cant say i have used photoshop much i need to ask these 2 questions.

  1. You say create a new layer. I do this then i try to add noise but it says there is nothing there so i cant add noise to the layer. So i did a new layer from background instead. Am i supposed to do this ?

  2. I finish all the next steps up to the part where i need to jump to image ready. I cannot jump to image ready the option is fadded meaning i cant click on it. Why is this have i done this completly wrong?

Please could you answer these questions for me it would be very appriciated.