The survival guide!
The survival guide!
There are masses of commands ofcourse, but only 10 I find I use everyday so I made a basic survival guide :)
So here they are!
The 10 command(ment)s: <directory> Change directory to <directory> Note: ../ is to go back a directory.
chmod a+x <file> Change permission of file to all + excecute.
ls List the stuff in this directory.
rm <file> Delete <file>. Note: You may need command 2.
top shows top processes, use kill -9 [PID] to kill process in top if oyu type k it writes kill
vi <file> Edit file in vi text editor Note: Type ":qa!" without the quotes and press enter to quit WITHOUT saving. EDIT: nano is better :) CAT to just read a file.
./<file> Excecute <file>.
mv <file> <newfilename> Rename <file> to <newfilename>. Note: If the new file name has a directory in it as in "../Desktop/file.txt" will move the file back one directory into desktop and name it file.txt.
su Become root. Note: sudo <command> is a command to do a function as root. (Thanks Haykuro.)
shutdown now Shutdown the computerā¦ NOW!
Also, because I often do not know what linux versions and stuffs I am using means I resort to downloading the source code then compiling and intalling it myself. Linux has two built in compilers.
[11.] cc <file> Compile c source code. Note: gcc <file> is another compiler.
INSTALL:- tar zxvf file.tar.gz & cd programname&./configure & make &make install &make clean
NB:tar jxvf for tar.bz2
This list is no-where near a full one, just a few commands you might be stuck for on your firs time using linux. And also, if I forget one I know where to look now.