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Stegano 9 and 10

Stegano 9 and 10

By ghostghost | 6884 Reads |
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Okay, I've got quite a few pms about this one, so I jst decided to make an article so every1 can learn. The first part on both steg9 and steg10 talk about whats happening, if you're really impatiant, jst skip to the last paragraphs where I explain what to do.

NOTE: Firefox wont let me sign onto HBH on my pc, so I did this on the Mozilla browser. It may look different on FF or other browsers, please tell me if it does.



So we click the Steg 9 link. Looks like nothing happens. A blank white page loads.

The next thing we look at is the URL. We now know something about this page. We're not looking at an actual page, but at a .gif (this explains why theres no page source ;) )

Okay, so what do we know about .GIFs? Normaly I'd send you to google it, but Im feeling generous, and listed the main points below.

 FUN FACTS!!!! (woot)

-GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format -GIF is a bitmap image format (pixel picture) -GIFs are made up of 256 distinct colours (per frame) -GIFS are compressed, to allow internet pages to load quicker -GIFs can be animated -GIFs can contain transparency

Okay, so know we know a bit about GIFs. Lets examine this picture then. It doesn't appear to be animated. It doesnt appear to be anything other than white. However, there are ways to freeze an animated gif at a frame.

For example, lets take this sig I made for Neo_Chalchus, "http://electric-smoothie.sytes.net/Images/sig.gif"

It is an animated GIF, that switches to a different frame every couple seconds. Now, press ESC and watch what happens ;) What if there were a script that freezes the Steg9 GIF at a blank frame?

The first thing I tried doing was opening this picture in different image programs. I tried it on MS Paint first. Nothing happened. Only a white square. Next I tried it on PhotoShop. This time, however, something did happen. An alert popped up saying that this is an animated GIF, and PhotoShop could only open one frame (it cant handle or work with animations).

Okay, so we know this GIF is infact animated. Time to open it in a program that can handle animated GIFs.

My program of choice is IrfanView (www.irfanview.com). It is a must have, partly for the fact that it can resize almost anything without quality loss.

You can probably use other programs, but I cant guarantee it to work. If you do chose to use IrfanView, just open the pic in it, and drumroll you should be seeing a message ;) Now with a little common sence, you can enter the password, and receive 50 points ;)


Okay, this one looks similar to stegano 9. Blank screen. However, using the skills we learnt from stegano 9, what do we find out about this picture? It isnt a GIF, but a .PNG.

 MORE FUN FACTS!!!! (wootier)

-PNG stands for Portable Network Graphic -PNG's are lossless compressed bitmaps -PNG's are improved GIFs, with more than 256 colours -PNG's are generally smaller in file size than GIFs -PNGS cannot be animated -PNGS are normally 8 bits, can be 1, 2 or 4 bits aswell though -Greyscale PNGs are 16 bits, 48 bits are used for true colour -PNGs can contain transparency

Alright, so this picture can't be animated like the picture from steg 9. Nothing extraordinary happens if we open it up in IrfanView.

For this next part, I used Adobe Photoshop, the graphics industries' leading software. A 30-day trial version can be found at www.adobe.com. However, I think this can be done in freeware programs such as The Gimp and Photo Studio aswell. If anybody used any other programs, please tell me :)

Alright, once opened up in PhotoShop, we try the same method we used on steg 1. We try using the paint bucket tool on empty space. Photoshop gives us an error message, saying this cannot be done in 16 bit pictures, and that it must be converted to an 8 bit image first.

There are other ways of changing a PNGs bit number, but here's how it's done in PhotoShop:

Image>Mode> and select the "8-Bit" option. Now, select the paint bucket tool again. At the top of the screen, change the Tolerance value to "1". Now, click on empty space around the outside. Your password should appear :)

Hope ya liked, Please leave a comment or rating :) -BluMoose

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Vary good tutorial!! You not only draw out a picture for the challange but you give us backround information on the types of files.. Vary neat.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

I did 10 with word ;)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

ok ill try screwing around with it in word, photoshop cs dosnt have a paint bucket.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Ok I just did it in paint.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Photoshop CS sure does have a paint bucket…

Here's how I finished them -

Steg 9 - Right click>Properties, it says it has 3 frames so open with Image Ready and it tells you the password.

Steg 10 - Open with photoshop, Image>Adjustments>Levels.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

you practicly said all the passwords.. WOW… !0*

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

These Facts are so frikking fun! Very good tutorial dude - You can do 10 alot easier on photoshop… [hint] Take a closer look [/hint] Once again…Good tut!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

yeah, i found 10 extremely easy….just used ms paint….

ksarto's avatar
ksarto 18 years ago

it works in microsoft word as well :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

nice tut

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

This isn't only some hints, this is "how-to" type turtorial. Only total looser didn't passthischallenges with this tut. Good work! (P.S: I did 10. with Macromedia Fireworks)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Hehe that was pretty much a walkthrough but okay, good effort put into it. Also i'm sure it helped many people out alot. :P

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

there is an easier way to find steg10 in Adobe ImageReady : Image> Adjustments > very close to here :right:

P.S. thanks for the background info, it was a good refresher!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Yay!! i passed them both thanks to yoo!

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

thats very easy:D great article:D

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

AHA!! got it in 5 mins. i used a program called Gimp 2 had to toy with thr brightness and ctst

southafrica1's avatar
southafrica1 14 years ago

Nice Article! yeah I also did stego10 in paint. could not be simpler

th3l05tpr0ph3tz's avatar
th3l05tpr0ph3tz 13 years ago

i used gpaint, for anyone using a gnome-type distro simple to install: sudo apt-get install gpaint.:ninja:

th3l05tpr0ph3tz's avatar
th3l05tpr0ph3tz 13 years ago

i used gpaint, for anyone using a gnome-type distro simple to install: sudo apt-get install gpaint.:ninja:

watchdog's avatar
watchdog 10 years ago

Just open paint in windows. Paint the empty space with black colour using paint bucket ! lol you see the pass.. so damn easy!!