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App 1-8

By ghostghost | 16541 Reads |
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Warning: This article contains spoilers so if you want to do it completely on your own don't read it.

App 1

Use ollydbg to find the text strings… the password you should enter on the challenge page is right there.

App 2

Get the SWF (flash) decompiler from the downloads section, decompile the app and find the password.

App 3

Open it up in a hex editor (like XVI32, my favorite). And change the text to "icrackedit".

App 4

Find the string in ollydbg… it's very easy, I have no idea why it says "moderate". It's just as easy as app 6 & 7.

App 5

Man I love this one! Changing a lot of values in the hex editor and then seeing the results makes me feel powerful. ;)

Open it up in ollydbg and find the correct serial number. Then open it up in a hex editor. Change the X'es to the correct

serial number. Perhaps you should google for "Visual Basic ampersand" for alternative ways to use a button…

App 6

Find the pass with ollydbg, it's really easy if you know how it works. Easier than you might think, but it isn't rated "easy"

for nothing.

App 7

The password you should enter on the challenge page is right there in ollydbg, all you have to do is find it. These last two are rated easy… just hold on to that thought if you can't find the password. THEY ARE REALLY EASY.

App 8

Things are getting a bit more advanced here. A hint: maybe you should make something visible (with your hex editor). And then

make that thing your password and do the ampersand trick again, like you did with App 5.

App 9&10

There's already some good articles on these.

With this you should be able to pass the missions, good luck.


ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

very nice

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

What's the point of writing an article like this?

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

It's to get people started.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

thanks this helped:happy:

Zer0Man's avatar
Zer0Man 17 years ago

Helped me with a few of them, good work. :)

southafrica1's avatar
southafrica1 15 years ago

This helped me alot thanks:). Quite a few spoilers but you gave the readers a fair warning in the beginning. I hav jst one question: in mission 2 you talk abwt a downloads section. What downloads section?

southafrica1's avatar
southafrica1 15 years ago

Oh, i think the downloads section on the site closed down

fyrstorm180's avatar
fyrstorm180 11 years ago

The hint on #8 was helpful enough, it practically gives the answer away.