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How to view anyone's comments on Myspace.com

How to view anyone's comments on Myspace.com

By ghostghost | 6776 Reads |
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You may have a genuine reason for NOSING INTO OTHER PEOPLE'S BUSINESS like i did :] Or you may have another reason. I don't care. Thats YOUR business.

My job is to tell you how to do it (if you do already in which case WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?!?)

So you found a myspace profile. And you wanna read the comments. Fair enough.

First off, you are gonna need a myspace account yourself, because myspace is secure like that. We don't want no paedophiles perving at lil girlies do we?

Second, click Edit Profile, then View Comments. You should get something similar to http://comment.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewComments&friendID=XXXXXXXX (like i'm gonna give you my f00king friend id, you must be having a laugh)

The Xs are the ones the change.

Third, CLICK on the targets picture/link to get to their profile. This will give you something similar to this:


THESE Xs go in the place of the other Xs. Wait, why the hell did i do that?


THESE Ys go in the place of the Xs in the 2nd step. Didn't wanna confuse you there.

So you should have: http://comment.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewComments&friendID=YYYYYYYY in your address bar.

Next step - Go there. If you have read these instructions carefully you should be in.

If you see variables shown in the URL - Change them man - see what happens. Thats what I did.

I'm supposed to say this is my first article so you should be nice, but sod it, i'm hard. Say what you want.

Feel free to teach me something you know. I am simply a n00b with too much time which explains why I know more about myspace then I do about HBH.

Peace EAB

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

This doesn't work if they have their profile set as private. If its not set as private you could just look at their profile, so this is kinda pointless.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

@ J-Wreck - Some people have a different layout including a hidden view-comment section. Although this seems a pretty pointless article and people who read this and didn't know it allready shouldn't be allowed to use a computer.

richohealey's avatar
richohealey 18 years ago

also it would be easier to just change the word porfile to comment in the URL bar on their page.

reaper4334's avatar
reaper4334 18 years ago

If they are in your friends list thingy then you can view their comments anyway right ? I don't know I'm not a myspace person hehe;)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

(if you do already in which case WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?!?)–> To review the article and check for accuracy, of course. ;)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

erm- duh. If anyone has ever set up a div overlay profile than they know this..

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

this is common sense. i used to know how to download undownloadable songs with a switch method like this but they changed the mp3 url. its like impossible now. common sense common sense


ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

there's a way easier way in FF. I hate myspace, but I thought I should share this info. Just go to view, then page style, then click no style, and you'll see their comments. Besides that, good article, you could also possibly use for other sites too.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

or…if the person has the style set to hide the comments simply open the source code(ctrl+u) click ctrl+f to find then type out comments and click a couple of times, VIOLA! u have the persons comments….:ninja: