SQL Injection
SQL Injection
What is SQL?
SQL stands for Structured Query Language It is used by people to create databases on servers for data. Common uses are; User tables Price lists Sensitive data lists What is SQL Injection?
SQL Injection forces the server to output data (i.e. User password hashes) from the database. To injected you find a page which is “vulnerable”.
How do I know if a page is “vulnerable”?
The first test is to test input fields with code which could confuse the server.
Some examples are; hi’ OR 1=1– hi’ or 1=1– hi“ OR 1=1– hi“ or 1=1– ’ OR 1=1– “ OR 1=1– ’ or 1=1– “ or 1=1– There are hundreds more and search google to see them.
Right, now there should be an output.
It normally comes in the format:
MySQL Query Error: SELECT * FROM (table name) WHERE (field type) = ‘’ AND (field type) = ‘’
Now you have your target page but you need to learn what the error means before you can proceed.
So here goes
MySQL Query Error: SELECT * FROM (table name) WHERE (field type) = ‘’ AND (field type) = ‘’
SELECT –> Select/choose/find
- –> means all in computing FROM (table name) –> from the table it found WHERE –> only select files where certain criteria are met
So in laymans terms
Find all instances from a table where your output is true
Now what?
Now you have got your vulnerable page you need to exploit the area where you can enter SQL Queries.
The most common one you will need will be
SELECT * FROM (table)
That outputs the whole table.
However there are other things you can do like destroying the table or adding users with specific abilities.
Found this interesting?
Here are some other links you might enjoy for extra research;
http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_intro.asp http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
bl4ckc4t 18 years ago
Very useful to know, 10/10 I learned a little bit more off of this article, well written.
ghost 18 years ago
yea good…but maybe bit to short(but that doesnt matter coz u put those 2 links there)B)
ghost 18 years ago
Thanks for the help, this article has gotten me one step closer to getting past Basic 8 =)
ghost 18 years ago
It's not meant to be long. Long means long time. The longer the time the more likely it could be boring
ghost 18 years ago
great post i used it a lot and it contains a lot of the needed combos but i noticed it changed, some weird characters infront… delete maybe?